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All You Need is Lunch

Today in #SeamosMexicanos we present to you: Jazmín, founder of All you need is love, located in Zapopan, Jalisco and tells us her story:
“My name is Jazmín Sandoval, I am the creator of All You Need Is Lunch, a project from Guadalajara that turns 6 years old in February 2021.
Starting a business is not always to get rich.
For me, it all started as an escape valve for my ideas and following my heart.
"Lifestyle business they call it"...
At All You Need Is Lunch we create experiences to surprise your favorite people, among our products you can find:
🔹 Personalized breakfasts
🔹Box Lunch
🔹 Anti-crude kit
🔹 Party in a box kit
🔹 Picnic Boxes
🔹 Everything our customers can think of
We work hand in hand with more than 60 local suppliers, always with the clear objective of promoting local consumption, especially in the most difficult times, such as the pandemic.
We try to create environmental awareness and that is why we use biodegradable or reusable packaging in our food.
In each little box, we put our heart, and we take care of even the smallest detail in the design that customers ask of us.
With the pandemic, we had the opportunity to provide our customers with a way to be close to their favorite people, their family, their co-workers, and all those people they love, through our little boxes, we became a bridge , and for that we are extremely grateful.
Thanks to platforms like Facebook and Instagram, we can be close to our market, and we make 80% of our sales on these networks.”
👉 Facebook: All You Need Is Lunch
👉 Instagram: @allyouneedislunch.gdl
👉 WhatsApp: 3319441037
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